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onsdag 3 september 2008

Malaysian music industry wants Indonesian songs restricted

The Jakarta Post , Jakarta Wed, 09/03/2008 6:29 PM Life
The association of Malaysian music industry employees, Karyawan, has demanded the local authority limit the number of Indonesian songs on radio broadcasts, Antara news agency reported Wednesday.
Karyawan head Ahmad Abdullah said the association planned to propose to the Malaysian Minister of Energy, Water and Communications Minister, Shaziman Abu Mansor, a broadcasting ratio of 90 percent Malaysian songs and 10 percent Indonesian.
"The association will accept an 80:20 ratio," said Ahmad, who added that the association was supported by several Malaysian artists and was planning to meet with the minister on Thursday.
The association said Malaysian radio stations play too many Indonesian songs, hurting the Malaysian music industry by increasing sales for Indonesian music.
The radio producers, however, argue they are only following market demand.

The three top Malaysian radio stations -- Era FM, Hot FM and Suria FM -- air their own Indonesian music charts every Sunday morning.
Malaysian rock star Amy Search said radio stations would turn Malaysia into Jakarta every night by playing Indonesian songs until dawn.
Catering to market demands, many Malaysian telecommunications companies sponsor Indonesian band concerts in the country. (dre)

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